How to make USB Bootable in Windows XP and Windows 7

As we all know, when technology and want everyone to get their work done as soon as possible. In this paper I have a great article on how to Create a Bootable USB Windows XP and Windows 7 next time you are in a hurry and had no time to go to the market to buy a Windows CD and install. In some cases what window closing when traveling?

Don "t suck.: I am here to tell you what you do, and how the windows or other OS without a CD, DVD. Need you all have a PIN USB Drive close. Teach you how to create a bootable USB for paintings. therefore you do not have to worry about the future for these issues. this way is seemingly easy to create a bootable USB Windows XP and Windows 7 is the first confirmed that you are any kind of USB virus protection and issues in a simple manner. I also wrote this post How to Increase Android Mobile Phone Battery Life Double

Procedure of How to make USB Bootable in Windows XP and Windows 7 :

1: Open Run Command Prompt.
2: Type CMD into RUN command Dialogue box as shown in figure bellow.
How to make USB Bootable in Windows XP and Windows 7
3: After Clicking on OK a a Command Prompt window will be appeared. Then type DiskPart into CMD window. This will open Disk Management Utilities on CMD. Type the command list disk to show a list of all the drives connected to your computer. Your USB drive should be listed here as well. Make note of the number next to your USB drive. For More details see the Picture bellow.
How to make USB Bootable in Windows XP and Windows 7
How to make USB Bootable in Windows XP and Windows 7
4: Now select the dist by typing Select Disk # command. replace the # with the number of desired disk. In My case it is 4. So i write select disk 4.
5: After this type clean in order to clean the disk. Once the USB drive is clean, type in create partition primary. You will see a message saying that the operation was successful.
6: Select the Partition 1. and type Active to active the partition. After this type format fs=ntfs quick. It will format it. you may also use format fs=fat32.
7: After entering it will take some time and Assign the USB a drive letter. Enter the command ASSIGN to give the thumb drive a letter designation. Type EXIT to end the disk management program. See image bellow for step 4 to 7.

How to make USB Bootable in Windows XP and Windows 7

That’s all Now you have a Bootable USB PIN Drive. Now copy the all windows files from any windows CD or DVD and paste into your USB. Now you can Install windows from USB How to make USB Bootable in Windows XP and Windows 7  . I hope you like this method. As i teach you with images so that is is very easy to make it possible.If you like my efforts then please share it to your social network for further Tricks subscribe us. 
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