Some Common Blogging Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Blogs are not for everyone! Just a good friend who knows the English will not be a good blogger. This blog has the skills and experience required. How and what you need to know to write. The failure to do a proper post not only disappoint your readers, can reduce the page ranking. Blogging sounds easy, but if you care to do some minor details. I have a basic goodness, all bloggers to avoid some of the mistakes we introduce a general blog.


Some Common Blogging Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Blogging is a profitable business from the commercial point of view provided done nicely and is literally a time waster otherwise. A blogger takes several complex things into account so as to make his blog work but ignores the most basic and important ones usually. While the important ones matter, the basics and fundamentals need not be ignored. Let's take a look at some of those mistakes and their solution.

1. Working without a goal
blogging mistakes without a goal

"A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder", Thomas Carlyle. Ever asked yourself, Why am I blogging? There is a reason why blogging isn't meant for everybody. Before you start your own blog, you need to set up a proper goal and aim to achieve that from blogging. What you want could be money, popularity or just fun, but you need to answer this 'What'. You can never achieved an undetermined and unimaginable goal. Decide on why you'll start blogging and devise a proper plan to follow and strive hard to achieve it.

2. Ignoring SEO

blogging mistakes ignore SEO

3. Bad post formatting

blogging mistakes bad formatting

With several running blogs, gaining reader's preference is a hard step especially if you don't care about the post formatting. Your blog post must be a hybrid of technical and informal writing so as to make it easy to understand and interpret for your reader. You should use proper highlighting techniques like using breaks, headings and sub-headings, bold face, proper font and shorter paragraphs to make your writing look neat and easy to interpret.

4. Using too much text in a single post
blogging mistakes too much text

Do you think your reader has all the time in the world to read your post? Don't know your answer but mine is NO. If someone told you putting tons of information in a single blog post of near-to-infinite length would be ideal to generate traffic, you were probably dreaming or that someone was playing with you. We've already covered the ideal post length topic, do take a look at it. The length to depth ratio of your blog post should be unity.

5. Bad posting times
blogging mistakes bad posting time

Ever wondered what the Schedule feature is on Blogger? Or do you just Publish? Well, you should decide a proper scheduling time for your post. Deciding that time might be hard in the start but will become easy for you once you start gaining readers. Try to find the peak times of traffic on your blogs and post on those times. Unless if yours' is a news blog, you should try to post at an appropriate time where you can get your writing to touch the most of the readers.

There are several other blogging mistakes that bloggers including me can commit. One fine way of analysing and determining the mistakes while blogging is to put yourself as the reader. Would you like to follow an improperly planned blog? Or read a poorly ranked blog? Or take a look at a poorly formatted post? Or read a 5000 word post? Or get to read articles posted at strange timings? NO, you won't want to do any of that. You'll also get the answer to several other answers this way which will help you identify the mistakes bloggers commit and their probable solutions.

So did you like this post? Do you commit these common mistakes or find some other worth mentioning? Hop on to the comments section and let us know.

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